Nicola Spadafora

Born in 1973, married, father of two children.
Lawyer, I am Equity Partner, member of the Management Committee and Head of the Milan office of the international law firm Tonucci & Partners, dealing with Law and International Relations, Commercial and Corporate Law, Litigation and Arbitration of a civil and commercial nature.
I am Honorary Consul, holder of the Honorary Consular Office of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Milan, with competence on the territorial district composed of the Lombardy Region, with the function of promoting the development of cooperation and institutional, economic and commercial relations between Italy and Ethiopia .
I am President of CONFAPI Milano, the employers' association adhering to the Italian Confederation of Small and Medium Industry (since 1947 at the service of Small and Medium Enterprises in Italy, today it represents over 83 thousand companies with more than 800 thousand employees who apply the 13 national labor contracts signed by Confapi; 60 territorial and district offices; 13 national unions and a national trade association) as well as a member of the Board of Directors of Confapindustria Lombardia, the regional federation of territorial associations belonging to Confapi.
In the triple role of lawyer, Consul and President of an employer association, I assist numerous small, medium and large companies in the analysis, management and implementation of projects, including internationalization, especially aimed at the African market, contributing to business development and negotiation. and drafting of related agreements and contracts, both commercial and corporate.
I am a member of the Board of Directors of the Assistance and Solidarity Fund for managers and senior managers of companies in small and medium-sized private industry (FASDAPI).
I am the author of publications as well as speaker at conferences and seminars at Professional Orders, Associations and Bodies.
I gained work experience abroad and obtained a classical high school diploma.